Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Paul Staub Jr.

Looking for comments back from others that have been scammed by Paul Staub, Jr. He came looking for investors in oil exploration projects with Tim Fodor of Nevada. We later learned that Paul Staub, Jr. has been charged with 5 serious crimes in Pennsylvania and his trial date is February 19, 2009. It is plastered in all the local news in the Pittsburgh area if you simply Google his name. Paul made his situation much worse for himself by using investor money in shallow attempts to cover up his crimes. Luckily he got caught but not until a lot of money was stolen and time wasted. Thomas F. Fodor (Tim Fodor) has been involved from the beginning by aiding Paul Staub, Jr. thus perpetuating the fraud. We have been told that Tim Fodor is related to Paul Staub and we are trying to find out those details as well. If you are approached by Paul Stuab, please remember that he is the con of con artists and is an attorney, at least for now. Any information you have on these individuals would be greatly appreciated.